Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I haven't been writing on this blog as much as I had wanted to. I have, however, been writing a lot in my dream journal. My dreams are so bizarre that it was suggested by several people that I keep a written account of all my dreams. As I read through them, I realized that while many make sense (such as anxiety dreams about driving and school), many do not (such as dreams about hidden cults and hairy llamas). Many of my dreams can be used as inspiration for a story, however, and other things. I have learned that this is a great way to get creativity: from my own overactive subconscious.


  1. I totally agree, dreams are absolutely loaded with creative ideas!

    Do you ever have any re-occuring dreams?

  2. I do! In fact, my earliest dream that I can remember was a re-occuring dream. It was about a large aardvark (no kidding) that could go through walls.

  3. Kay that is so weird! Ardvarks!My re-occuring dreams are always of places. There are a few places I dream of often, one is very scary, a room of evil in this big old house. Every time I dream of it I am in a different proximity to the room, usually somewhere in the house but far from the evil room or in a house nearby....only once did I dream I was right outside the door to the room and it was a terrifying dream!
